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How to Get Out of a Reading Slump


Let me guess; no books interest you right now. You're finding that you're "too busy" to read. Your to be read pile is staring you down, and you feel guilty. You want to read, but can't. Maybe you are actually busy, maybe you feel you don't actually have the time to sit down and read a book. Or maybe, you just aren't managing your time well enough to read.

I've been there more times than I care to admit. I'm currently in a reading slump myself.

reading, books

These are things I remind myself when I'm in my reading slumps:

  • It's ok to not be reading 24/7. Life gets busy, and we don't always have the time to read all the books we want to.

  • It's ok to start a book and decide to DNF (do not finish) it. If you're in a slump, you should only be reaching for books that hold your interest.

  • Don't feel guilty. Just because you aren't reading "enough" right now, there will be plenty of times where you are reading more than enough.

How I get out of my reading slumps:

  1. Putting my phone down. We're so glued to social media that, oftentimes, we get distracted and lose time. The time you spend on social media can be time you spent reading.

  2. Finding a book I'm actually excited to read. If I'm in a reading slump, sometimes, I'll wait for a new release that I've been anticipating because I know I'll finish the book, and quickly. Or, I'll pick up a book that I know I'll enjoy and is an easy read. Picking up a book that you might not thoroughly enjoy will only make your reading slump worse.

  3. Getting priority responsibilities done. If I have an assignment due, I have to finish it before I can think of picking up a book. That assignment would distract me if I started reading, I wouldn't be able to focus on the story in front of me.

  4. Set the mood. Light a candle, make tea or get a coffee, get comfy, snuggle up with blankets, dim the lights. Your surroundings make a big difference. If that means a clean room, then clean your room. Personally, I've read many many books when my room is a disaster. For me, a candle and blankets are more important.

  5. Don't force yourself. If you're not in the mood to read, or you don't want to; don't. Remember, reading is supposed to be fun.

Hopefully I helped you get out of your reading slump by reminding myself ways to get out of mine.

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